Wednesday 19 December 2012

Tips for Glowing Skin

Women of all ages want to have a clearer, brighter and glowing skin. Here I list down some common skin care mistakes that darken our skin complexion:

Improper Diet:
One of the major causes of skin damage is bad or improper diet. When we intake food that does not have any nutritional value, our skin reacts and push out all the toxic materials. Add vegetables in your everyday meal and if your skin looks dull then don’t take bread or pasta, noodles.

Using sunscreen in all weathers whether winter or summers is very important. Exposure in sun causes wrinkles and age spots. Choose a sunscreen that contains ingredients to help control oil in your skin.

Before sleeping, it is necessary to wash away dirt and other bacteria from your face. After washing your face, use any good skin repair cream.

Excessive Exfoliation:
Exfoliation helps your skin to glow and remain healthy. However excessive use of scrubbing and exfoliation is also harmful as it takes away the necessary moisture from the skin and make your skin paper thin. Don’t exfoliate more than twice a week.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! These tips are very useful for maintaining skin. I will surely follow these tips. Thanks for sharing with site visitors..
    Skin Care Clinic in Chandigarh
